LA Actor Submission
Throw your hat into the ring to read a role at an upcoming LA Writers Lab.

LA Script Submission
Submit your piece to get a fully cast staged reading, and receive feedback from a live audience an upcoming LA Writers Lab.

LA Rough Cut Submission
Screen your latest piece and receive feedback on your work-in- progress at our LA Rough Cut Lab.

LA Performance Lab SIGN UP
Perform a scene, monologue, stand-up/improv or anything off-book at the LA Performance Lab.

LA Lab Mixtape
Submit to our in-person blend of the Writers, Performance, and Rough Cut Labs. Come see our lab pipeline in its entirety!

Submit to read a role in a yet-to-be-cast feature film in the pre-production phase!

Instagram Shoutouts
We want to help spread the word about your latest screening, award, performance, film festival acceptance or other industry win!

Submit your script to our MAKE YOUR FEATURE Competition and land $25,000 to actually make your film! (Submissions closed, stay tuned for the next round!)

San Francisco Writers Labs
Are you based in the Bay Area? Join our dedicated SF WMM community! Submit to be an actor or have your latest script read at an upcoming SF Writers Lab!

Florida Writers Labs
Join or drop in to our Florida/Southeast WMM community! Submit to be an actor or have your latest script read at an upcoming Writers Lab!

New York City Labs
Hellllllllo New York! We've launched virtual (and eventually in-person) events for those in NYC and surrounding area.

UK Labs
We've expanded across the pond to the UK! Check out our upcoming Writers and Performance labs for those based in the UK or Europe.

NEW ZEALAND Writers Labs
We've expanded to the Southern Hemisphere! Submit to be an actor or have your latest script read at an upcoming NZ Writers Lab!
Teach a Webinar
Submit a proposal to teach a webinar to the WMM community!