How To Copyright & Protect Your Script

We Make Movies has provided venues and platforms for independent filmmakers of all ilks to share their work in a safe, constructive, positive environment. All of the labs in our lab pipeline provide opportunities for artists to bring in their work (at whatever stage they are in)  with the hopes that our audience of creatives will share feedback for how to improve and optimize the project. Our Writers Lab allows writers to bring in fresh pages (from portions of their scripts) for actors to stage read so the writers can hear their ideas, dialogue, and craftsmanship come to life, but this means that there is a room full of others who are also privy to these new ideas, dialogue, and craftsmanship as well. So how can writers protect their intellectual property and safeguard their originality? What constitutes a script or screenplay? What is copyright and why do writers need it? We explain it all below!

A script is a written blueprint of a play, show, or movie. A screenplay is limited to tele...

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events industry marketing Mar 31, 2022

American media magnate, internet entrepreneur, and philanthropist Mark Zuckerberg wants to help you make the movies you want to see. Known for co-founding the social media giant Facebook, Zuckerberg has acquired WMM through parent company Meta Platforms. We Make Movies will now operate under the moniker We Make Metaverse, as the team prepares to implement innovative strategies envisioned by Zuckerberg, ushering in a new generation of technological advances to enhance the essence of community. 

What exactly is the nebulous concept of the metaverse? The term can can be traced back to Neal Stephenson and his canonized 1992 dystopian cyberpunk novel Snow Crash. "Like any place in Reality, the Street is subject to development. Developers can build their own small streets feeding off of the main one. They can build buildings, parks, signs, as well as things that do not exist in Reality, such as vast hovering overhead light shows, special neighborhoods where the rules of three-dimensional sp...

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Point Of View w/ Brie Eley of Here and Ready

* Mark your calendars for Sunday, March 31st - WMM Community Director Tehana  Fatima Weeks will be hosting an orientation for Here and Ready! *
We Make Movies is proud to be an ally to and partner with the casting database for Black actresses HERE AND READY, helmed by powerhouse Brie Eley. While cultivating her own career, actress, writer, producer, director, voice-over artist, and comedienne Eley founded  Here and Ready in an effort to increase POC visibility and opportunity. A private networking collective servicing more than 1,200 Black actresses across the U.S. and Canada, the platform is positioned to shift the landscape of casting. Through this endeavor, Eley has produced educational seminars, hosted networking events for the Casting Society of America (CSA), and launched a free and public talent database website, all while creating solidarity and connection amongst Black female talent.
Originally from Sugar Land, Texas, Eley studied Arts Administration at Marymount Manha...
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We Make Movies Introduces The Lab Mixtape

events Mar 14, 2022
It has been a dizzying couple of years, but even as the bulk of humanity endured the stalemate of the virus that shall not be named, We Make Movies almost seamlessly transitioned to the virtual. We maintained and even expanded communities of support, while providing our membership and beyond with opportunities to share, engage, and collaborate with fellow creatives. Just over two years later, we have bolstered filmmakers in San Francisco, New York City, Florida, and over the pond in the UK through our lab pipeline, establishing ourselves as the indie hub for all things filmmaking.
On Wednesday, March 23rd at 7pm, the original Los Angeles chapter of We Make Movies is safely returning to an in-person format for our labs. We're kicking off the season with a bang – a special hybrid lab we're calling our Lab Mixtape, showcasing elements of our signature Writers Lab, Performance Lab, and Rough Cut Lab all in one night.
The Lab Mixtape promises to be a treat for returning and new memb...
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WMM Presence Strong At 2021 FCP Global Summit

We Make Movies is the studio system for independent filmmakers. We cater to artists of all levels and serve projects in every stage of the process  from inception to final deliverables. Tech giants from NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) to IBC (International Broadcast Conference) have taken notice of our collective team's proficiency and expertise, and this week WMM is a force to be reckoned with at the FCP Global Summit.

The FREE Final Cut Pro event is being held virtually from November 8 - 13, and is suited for content creators of all levels. Explore elevating your producing skills through "Blueprint For A Micro-Budget Future" with our CEO Sam Mestman, learn to harness the power of your mobile phone by watching "Gimbals, Gear, and GO!" with our President Aubrey Mozino, or perfect your craft  by tuning into "High End iPhone Workflows for the Indie Filmmaker" with Creative Services' Creative Director Steve LaMorte.

A full lineup of events can be found on the site, but we highl...

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How To Make A Feature Film For 25K

Few feature films have racked up cultural significance or conquered cinematic feats while made on ultra (ultra, ultra... ultra) low budgets. There's the 1977 experimental, horror masterpiece that is "Eraserhead", which was wildly celebrated auteur David Lynch's 10K  budget debut into the realm of feature filmmaking. There are the found-footage horror gems "The Blair Witch Project: (made for 25K) and "Paranormal Activity" (made for 15K), the neo-Western action film that put Robert Rodriguez on the map, "El Mariachi" (made for 7K), and the clever neo-noir "Following" (made for 6K) by a then novice Christopher Nolan. 

Then there are the directors who made their impression on the indie film world with their low-budget contributions, oftentimes shaking up what was considered acceptable and palatable for large audiences. There are a handful of 90's cult classics that delivered filmmakers like Kevin Smith ("Clerks" - made for 27K), and his predecessor Richard Linklater ("Slacker" made for 23...

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POV: Director of WMMIntl Film Festival Whit Spurgeon

events film festival Jun 14, 2021

Cinephile and tastemaker, Whit Spurgeon has been a gift to the WMM community since he first joined almost a decade ago. As an actor, he has flavored many staged readings with his unique presence and sturdy character work, and graced dozens of projects that have come out of the Lab pipeline. As a filmmaker, he has used WMM the way one should -- by absorbing as much knowledge from those with more experience, surrounding himself with equally proficient and determined artists, contributing to the creative conversation, and then going out there and actually telling bold and colorful stories to the best of his ability.

As the Director of WMMIntl Film Festival he incorporates his voracious appetite for all things film, management prowess, foresight, and unadulterated enthusiasm into cultivating a stellar experience for both the audience and filmmaker alike. We are excited to introduce you to the talent and soul of our friend and constant collaborator Whit Spurgeon. 

WMM: How do you think gr...

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Why Become A Member? What WMM Can Do For You

To our team of filmmaking professionals, a WMM membership sounds like a no-brainer. The Lab Pipeline alone is such a development boon for filmmakers in any stage of cultivating a project. Or is it our incomparable production insurance service that draws our community in? Actually, maybe it's our ever expanding menu of production services, or our constantly updated educational content? Or...
In short, if you are an indie filmmaker or content creator looking to create on your own terms, We Make Movies is the outfit for you. Whether you are looking for a community to foster your ideas, bolster your confidence, or provide you with a critical lens on your material, WMM is here for it. If you have a DIY spirit and are on an economical budget, we are here to help you solve your problems. If you are looking for a place that will give you the opportunity to make the movie that you want to see, it behooves you to become a member of WMM. 

What Level of Membership Is For You?

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WMM's Make Your Feature Competition Breaks the Industry Mold

competition events industry May 19, 2021

In a sea of film competitions that award starter funds, offer packages towards gear, and sometimes even promise gateways of access to the elusive industry at large, We Make Movies is breaking the mold. We are helming a micro-budget feature film competition - THE MAKE YOUR FEATURE COMPETITION - that will see your project through completion by actually making your movie for $25,000

WMM has joined forces with investors from Silicon Valley, in search of multiple projects from inventive and resourceful filmmakers. Filmmakers will submit their feature film treatments (stellar concept or completed script) and pitch to investors and the WMM community for the opportunity to develop their story, from inception to completion. At least two winning filmmakers will land cash  investments of $25,000 each, in addition to tens of thousands of dollars worth of resources in the form of services, equipment, and more. WMM and the investors will partner with winning filmmakers, as project co-owners to pr...

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Indie Film Development - WMM Lab Pipeline

We Make Movies has made a name for itself as a diverse, synergistic, sustainable ecosystem for artists and content creators. We have been paving the way towards democratizing storytelling, and the industry as a whole. Gone are the days when excessive financing, unattainable tools of the trade, and permission from industry gatekeepers unnecessarily limit us from telling stories. We’re dedicated to empowering creatives of all ages by providing free weekly labs, discounted resources and services, educational industry events, showcases, and film challenges.

This week we are breaking down our beloved LAB PIPELINE (formerly known as workshops). From conception of an idea to full execution of your project, WMM has a lab for every stage of development. Feature films, shorts, series, pilots, multimedia projects, experimental work, you name it, can be brought into one of our applicable labs to be further refined. Not only does this give filmmakers the opportunity to hear and see their work up o...
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